Coming out of Global Economic Crisis

The current economic crisis has spilled its beans to entire world due to flawed Capitalist policies of the developed world.The global meltdown started with mortage crisis in US.Soon it affected the entire country,so people started spending less.It followed by fall in industrial production affecting GDP of the country.Then it affected great American dream of people.To come out of this crisis the governments across the world should spend more on public infrastructure projects like our country’s Bharath Nirman projects.But the companies implementing the projects are struggling  for financial closure of the projects which they have won by bidding.The governments across the world tightened the credit availability to contain the inflation which touched alarming two digits in many countries.The central banks should take steps for easier credit availability by reducing REPO rates,interest rates.Even after all this industry captains feel that credit availability is still low.The craze for FCCB’s and ECB among corporates is in all time low.Now companies started inviting fixed deposits from public with TATA Motors taking a leap by mopping 8000 crores from public.But the fact is that we the public should also take steps by adapting cost cutting measures like reducing unwanted purchases,eating outside in hotels at weekends,use public transport instead of private vehicles.

About sudhans

Quizzy mind

Posted on February 16, 2009, in News and politics. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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