Sri Lankan Problem

Sri Lanka is highly troubled by ethnic problems due to split and divide policy of Sinhalese.It was granted Independence based on the principle of two languages one country or one language two country.But the majority Sinhalese failed to keep their promise.They wanted the tamils to be thrown out of country so they made tamils a second class citizen.There were forced settlements by Sinhalese government where tamils were in majority.Tamils continued their struggle in non violent means through Tamil Arasu Katchi.But they were not sucessfull so the youth were very upset and felt that their rights can be got only through armed struggle.Srilankan Government added oil to the fire by amending constitution that for entry into universities Tamils should get 290 out of 400 but Sinhalese can get into university by scoring just 240.At starting there were number of armed groups fighting for separate country for Tamils but Prabakaran systematically eliminated all other groups by killing their leaders and he said he is sole representative of Tamils which most people cannot accept.In 1987 our prime minister late Rajiv Gandhi sent Indian troops to capture Prabakaran but as there was discontent with the people of Srilanka, their government itself gave arms to fight against Indian Army.India sensed the situation and called back the troops so that their mission was incomplete.An accord was signed between two countries but it was not implemented.All political outfits in our state supported LTTE but this changed after the assasination of Rajiv Gandhi.Tigers only introduced suicide bombing which was replicated by Al-Quida.Still they get money from overseas Tamils who are forced to pay money to Tigers through their agents all over the world.They got money only through this.During the ceasefire from 2004 they improved their infrastructure by building air strips for their Air force and developed submarines thus becoming the first Militant organisation to acquire these skills.Srilanka sensed danger and started waging war against Tigers.They drew a different set of tactics and were successfull.Now all knew that tigers are restricted to small region in Mullathivu.They are using civilians as shield and killing innocent civilians.They made mistakes so that Karuna rebelled against Prabakaran and tigers lost their influence in the East comprising Amparai regions.Karuna came out of LTTE and he joined hands with the government.But the fact is that government don’t knew what to do after elimination of tigers and  the scope of improvement of rights of tamils is appearing bleak.

About sudhans

Quizzy mind

Posted on February 9, 2009, in News and politics. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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